
The term "mammoplasty" in plastic surgery refers to interventions aimed at correcting the size and shape of the breasts, eliminating aesthetic defects or consequences of mastectomy. The term "breast plastic surgery" includes breast augmentation with breast implants and lipofilling, mastopexy or reduction of breast size (reduction plastic surgery), as well as reconstructive surgery after radical mastectomy. In addition, our clinic of plastic surgery performs repeated surgeries in breast plastic surgery, changes in shape, size of areolae and nipples, correction of tubular mammary glands.

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Существует несколько методик пластики молочных желез, которые позволяют добиться хороших результатов. Многих интересует вопрос, сколько стоит пластика груди? Цена маммопластики зависит от многих факторов и определяется индивидуально для каждой пациентки.

Проблемы, решаемые маммопластикой:

  • увеличение груди при микромастии;
  • подтяжка и улучшение контура груди при ее опущении (птозе);
  • коррекция асимметрии груди;
  • восстановление объема после беременности и кормления;
  • уменьшение груди при макромастии;
  • реконструкция груди после мастэктомии.


In the vast majority of cases, surgical intervention to correct the breasts is carried out if there are the following indications:

  • Micromastia - a very small breast size if a woman is not satisfied with her shape and wants more lush breasts;
  • Postlactational breast hypoplasia with skin stretching, sagging of breasts after pregnancy and completion of lactation;
  • pronounced ptosis - severe prolapse of the mammary glands, especially in adulthood, after weight loss, breastfeeding;
  • macromastia - excessively large breasts disproportionate to the rest of the body (if a woman is not satisfied with her shape);
  • Tissue defects, scars, and scars in the breast area after tumor removal (including sectoral resection and total mastectomy);
  • change of the shape of breasts, their fullness, correction of asymmetry of nipples and areolae.


To find out beforehand how much does breast plasty cost and what results you can get as a result you have to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon at our clinic who specializes in these operations.

During the initial consultation, the patient states all her complaints - why she is not satisfied with the look and size, the shape of her breasts, and what results she would like to achieve as a result. The doctor performs an initial examination of the breasts, assesses the condition of the skin and surrounding tissues, and palpates to determine the condition of the glandular tissue. He then proposes options for surgery - the use of implants or lipofilling, the type of prosthesis, its size and the material of which it is made. The doctor takes measurements of key parameters, conducts a computer simulation of the future breast and discusses it with the patient. Additionally, the general state of health is assessed, the day of surgery is planned, and preliminary examinations and preparatory procedures are scheduled. Also during the initial consultation is discussed how much does breast plastic surgery cost, what additional costs may be involved, what kind of anesthesia is used, and how is rehabilitation.


Before surgical intervention, a preliminary examination is carried out to rule out contraindications and possible health problems. The doctor prescribes a consultation with a general practitioner, an anesthesiologist and a mammologist with an ultrasound of the mammary glands or a mammogram (if the woman is over 40 years old). In addition, you undergo a general blood and urine tests, blood chemistry, glucose levels, exclude HIV, hepatitis, syphilis. EKG and fluorography are indicated.

Two weeks before surgery, your doctor will recommend you to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol, certain medications, and certain foods. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, strictly on an empty stomach, in the evening of the previous day you should have dinner for the last time no later than 20 hours, even water is prohibited to drink in the morning.


The price of mammoplasty depends on the type of surgery. Most often, women undergo augmentation surgery (with rounded or teardrop-shaped implants). It increases the volume of the breast and corrects its shape. Before the surgery, the doctor together with the woman selects the type of prosthesis individually according to a number of criteria.

When placing implants, incisions are made in several ways - in the armpit area (allows you to hide scars under your underwear), under the breast itself (the incision hides the breast fold) or in the areola of the nipple. The surgeon determines the access based on the expected results of the plasty.

Breast reduction mammoplasty differs in cost from the previous mammoplasty. In this type of intervention, the doctor reduces the size of the breast, changes its shape, but preserves the breast tissue. It is possible to perform an anchor operation (if the breast size is very large) or with vertical access (if the breast size is medium). There are hardly visible scars after the surgery, the intervention improves the appearance.


After surgery, the patient is brought to consciousness and transferred to a postoperative room under the supervision of doctors and nurses. You can drink water and eat as your condition improves. Your breasts will be covered with bandages, which should not be touched or removed by yourself. The next day the doctor conducts a control examination, performs dressings, removes drains, assesses the condition of the sutures and gives detailed recommendations on the observance of the regime, tells about restrictions, taking medications. The surgeon gives recommendations on the proper care of the scars for faster healing. After that, you can go home after discussing the date of the follow-up examination in advance.

For 1-2 months, except for hygiene procedures, you must wear a compression garment, comply with all medical recommendations and attend follow-up examinations.


Before the intervention, it is important to rule out any contraindications to surgery. Mammoplasty is prohibited in cases of diabetes mellitus (sub- and decompensation stages), severe heart and vascular lesions, blood clotting disorders, acute infections, oncological breast lesions. It is also not recommended to perform the surgery during menstruation.

Our clinic has experienced plastic surgeons who are skilled in all aspects of mammoplasty. They can help you solve any physical or aesthetic problem. The clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment, which allows you to perform operations with maximum comfort and safety. Rehabilitation rooms allow you to spend the first hours after the intervention in a comfortable environment, under the constant supervision of medical staff.



Вертикальная мастопексия 304000 ₽
Вторичная мастопексия 413000 ₽
Классическая мастопексия 356000 ₽
Липофилинг груди 236000 ₽
Мастопексия на имплантате 408000 ₽
Периареолярная мастопексия 153000 ₽
Подкожная мастэктомия с эндопротезированием молочных желез 298000 ₽
Редукционная маммопластика 286000 ₽
Редукция соска 55000 ₽
Реконструкция молочной железы TRAM-лоскутом 501000 ₽
Реконструкция молочной железы торокадорзальным - лоскутом 431000 ₽
Реконструкция молочной железы экспандерная пластика 342000 ₽
Реконструкция сосково-ареолярного комплекса 183000 ₽
Репротезирование молочных желез 336000 ₽
Увеличение молочных желез 209000 ₽
Удаление геля из молочной железы (одна сторона) 160000 ₽
Удаление добавочной молочной железы 108000 ₽
Удаление имплантата молочной железы 108000 ₽

*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary). The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:

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Часто задаваемые вопросы

Какой результат можно ожидать, надолго ли он сохранится?

Результаты зависят от индивидуальных особенностей и соблюдения рекомендаций, обычно эффект сохраняется многие годы.

Как записаться на операцию иногородним пациентам?

Предварительная запись возможна через сайт или по телефону, организуем удобные условия для пациентов из других городов.

Будут ли заметны рубцы, как за ними ухаживать?

Современные методы позволяют минимизировать рубцы, важно соблюдать рекомендации хирурга по уходу.

Doctors At The Dega Clinic

Khristenko Arthur Alexandrovich

Khristenko Arthur Alexandrovich

Leading plastic surgeon, cosmetologist 


Experience 17 years  

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Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Plastic surgeon 


Experience 11 years  

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Alexei Alexandrovich Gavrilchenko

Alexei Alexandrovich Gavrilchenko

Plastic surgeon 


Experience 11 years  

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Chetverikova Marina Anatolievna

Chetverikova Marina Anatolievna

Plastic surgeon 


Experience 18 years  

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Spitsyn Vladislav Igorevich

Spitsyn Vladislav Igorevich

Plastic surgeon 


Experience 12 years  

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Chumak Roman Anatolievich

Chumak Roman Anatolievich

Plastic surgeon, cosmetic surgeon  

Candidate of Medical Sciences 

Experience 25 years  

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Krasnoselskikh Maxim Andreyevich

Krasnoselskikh Maxim Andreyevich

Plastic surgeon 


Experience 22 years  

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Yunusova Yulia Rustemovna

Yunusova Yulia Rustemovna

Plastic surgeon 


Experience 11 years  

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Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Plastic surgeon 


Experience 7 years  

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Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Plastic surgeon 


Experience 5 years  

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