Mastopex (breast lift)

(breast lift)

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Many women come to a plastic surgeon with complaints of prolapse (ptosis) of the breast, due to age-related changes or physiological changes in the body (lactation, rapid weight loss, hormonal changes). In this case, a plastic surgeon may recommend a mastopexy. It is an aesthetic intervention on the breast in which stretched, sagging breast tissue is lifted.

Along with breast augmentation, breast lift is one of the most popular surgeries. It is important to emphasize that breast lift surgery can be performed either in isolation, only through its own tissues, or in combination with an increase in size, volume through the placement of implants (augmentation plastic surgery), or conducted simultaneously with reductionist interventions (reduction of breast volume). Plastic surgeons at our clinic perform any type of breast lift and correction of size and shape.

Performing surgical correction of the breast shape is carried out for aesthetic reasons, if the patient wishes. In addition, during the initial consultation the doctor evaluates the individual characteristics of skin tone and the structure of the breast, the degree of sagging, skin tone, areola and nipple placement. Indications for mammoplasty with breast lift can be:

  • pronounced ptosis (sagging) of the breasts after childbirth and lactation;
  • age-related changes that lead to decreased skin tone and sagging of the mammary glands;
  • rapid weight loss, which led to breast problems;
  • weakening of the ligamentous apparatus, which holds the glands in their usual place;
  • Hormonal imbalance, which has led to changes in the mammary glands.

When performing breast plastic surgery with breast lift, the doctor, if necessary, can correct asymmetry in the breasts, change the position of nipples and the size of areolas, moving them higher to give the bust a more aesthetic appearance. In addition to external defects after surgery, physical discomfort during running, jumping and doing sports, active activities is also eliminated.


Before deciding on the amount of surgery and to clarify how much is a breast lift, it is important to rule out all possible contraindications to the intervention. Any surgical interventions are not performed during pregnancy and immediately after delivery, during the entire period of lactation. In addition, surgery is prohibited if identified:

  • any kind of malignant tumors;
  • febrile states of any origin;
  • acute infections (until full recovery);
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • hormonal malfunctions;
  • any form of mastopathy;
  • rash or inflammation on the skin in the area of the intervention.

Before scheduling a plastic surgeon, it is important to rule out any possible contraindications, both temporary and permanent.


First of all, it is necessary to consult with a plastic surgeon to discuss your expectations and real possibilities of mastopexy. At the first appointment the doctor discusses with the patient all her complaints in detail, assesses what exactly the woman is dissatisfied with and what changes she would like to see in her breasts. Then he examines the breast tissue, palpates the mammary glands, and rules out possible contraindications. Based on the results of the examination and discussion, the plastic surgeon determines the cost of a breast lift, assesses the need for additional interventions and gives a list of examinations to be taken before the operation. Appointment of blood and urine tests, coagulation tests, exclude HIV, hepatitis, syphilis. Additionally requires a consultation with a therapist, ECG and chest X-ray, ultrasound or mammography, consultations with a mammologist and anesthesiologist. After analyzing the results, the doctor sets the date of surgery, gives recommendations on how to prepare for it. Our clinic performs mastopexy under general anesthesia. Therefore, clotting drugs are cancelled in advance, the intervention is performed strictly on an empty stomach (it is forbidden even to drink water), armpit hair is removed in the morning before the surgery, and no cosmetics or deodorants must be used.


In order to perform the operation as accurately as possible, the markings are applied in advance, the whole subject of the operation is discussed again, and the patient is taken to the operating room. The anesthesiologist puts her into anesthesia sleep, constantly monitoring her vital signs. Based on the severity of tissue changes, the degree of ptosis of the breast and the size of the gland, the position of the areola and nipple, the surgeon can use different plastic surgery options.

A periareolar lift is possible for minor breast ptosis with an incision around the areola. The doctor excises excess skin, corrects the shape of the breast and the position of the nipple.

Vertical mastopexy is performed with an incision vertically from the areola to the fold under the breast. This method allows to eliminate pronounced ptosis and asymmetry.

Anchor lift is one of the most effective methods, providing the most aesthetic result. A T-shaped incision is made, which makes it possible to remove a large volume of skin and correct the shape of the gland. Plus, if necessary, implants are also placed.


After breast lift surgery, a woman needs a certain period of stay in the hospital for dynamic monitoring of the recovery process. The patient stays in the room for up to two days, the doctor prescribes painkillers and antibiotics. Immediately after surgery, the breasts are fixed with compression underwear, which keeps their shape until the stitches are fully healed and the tissues recover. After discharge, during rehabilitation, you must constantly wear a compression garment, not take a bath until the postoperative stitches are completely healed, and avoid active sports and lifting weights for up to two months. Also exclude UV exposure in the solarium, exposure to the beach and overheating of the tissues, control nutrition, so that there is no sudden weight gain. The patient is scheduled for regular visits to the surgeon to monitor the healing process. Full rehabilitation takes up to six months.

Doctors at our clinic have extensive experience in performing various breast ptosis surgeries. They individually select a technique for each patient to ensure that all the expectations of the woman are fully met. Modern and fully equipped surgeries make surgeries safe, and comfortable rooms help you recover quickly and easily after surgery.

Doctor's opinion

After mastopexy it is possible to get pregnant and breastfeed, but the mammary gland may lose its shape again as a result. We recommend the surgery for those women who are not planning to have any more children.

Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Plastic surgeon

Experience 11 years

Ask a Question

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Можно ли сделать подтяжку груди без имплантов?

Да, мастопексия может быть проведена без имплантов. Хирург удаляет избыточные ткани и буквально пересобирает грудь, придавая ей идеальную форму. Мастопексия подходит женщинам с достаточным количеством тканей молочной железы и эластичной кожей. Операция может помочь подтянуть и улучшить форму груди, но не добавляет объема. Важно обсудить свои ожидания и пожелания с хирургом, чтобы найти наиболее подходящий вариант.

Есть ли возможности подтяжки без операции?

Да, существуют нехирургические методы, которые могут помочь подтянуть грудь без операции (нитевой лифтинг, мезонити). Однако стоит отметить, что эти методы могут иметь ограниченный эффект и не будут так же эффективны, как хирургическая мастопексия.

В какие сроки после родов и после ГВ можно планировать операцию?

Обычно рекомендуется подождать не менее 6 месяцев после окончания родов и грудного вскармливания перед проведением операции на груди. Так вы дадите своей груди время вернуться к более стабильному состоянию, что позволит хирургу достичь более предсказуемых и долгосрочных результатов. Если вы планируете беременности в будущем, возможно, стоит отложить подтяжку, так как беременность и роды могут повлиять на результаты хирургической процедуры. Лучше всего обсудить этот вопрос с вашим хирургом, чтобы получить рекомендации, специфические для вашей ситуации.

Потребуется ли корректирующее белье? Сколько его носить?

После любой операции на груди рекомендуется носить компрессионный бюстгальтер в течение 4-8 недель после операции. После этого срока можно иногда обходиться без его использования, но, как правило, мы рекомендуем носить дольше, чтобы получить более стабильные результаты. Спортивное утягивающее белье не является заменой хирургическому компрессионному трикотажу.

Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)
Mastopex (breast lift)

Doctors At The Dega Clinic

Khristenko Arthur Alexandrovich

Khristenko Arthur Alexandrovich

Leading plastic surgeon, cosmetologist 

Experience 17 years 

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Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 11 years 

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Alexei Alexandrovich Gavrilchenko

Alexei Alexandrovich Gavrilchenko

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 11 years 

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Chetverikova Marina Anatolievna

Chetverikova Marina Anatolievna

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 18 years 

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Spitsyn Vladislav Igorevich

Spitsyn Vladislav Igorevich

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 12 years 

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Chumak Roman Anatolievich

Chumak Roman Anatolievich

Plastic surgeon, cosmetic surgeon  

Candidate of Medical Sciences 

Experience 25 years 

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Krasnoselskikh Maxim Andreyevich

Krasnoselskikh Maxim Andreyevich

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 22 years 

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Yunusova Yulia Rustemovna

Yunusova Yulia Rustemovna

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 11 years 

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Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 7 years 

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Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 5 years 

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All Specialists Of The Clinic

How much does a breast lift (mastopexy) cost?

Вертикальная мастопексия from 304000 ₽
Вторичная мастопексия from 413000 ₽
Классическая мастопексия from 356000 ₽
Мастопексия на имплантате from 408000 ₽
Периареолярная мастопексия from 153000 ₽

*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary).

The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:

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