Lipofilling of the breasts

Lipofilling of the breasts

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Lipofilling is a minimally invasive surgery that helps increase the size and shape of a woman's breasts. The procedure has been gaining popularity in recent years because it allows you to increase the size of your bust without the use of implants in the range of 1-2 sizes without large incisions and with a relatively short rehabilitation period.

During the procedure, the breasts are augmented using lipofilling, a method of taking fat tissue from other parts of the body and introducing it into the breast area after preliminary cleaning and preparation to correct its shape and volume. Although the price of breast augmentation with fat is not much less than that of traditional augmentation techniques with implants, the method is popular due to the fact that it allows increasing the bust volume without introducing foreign bodies into the body. Despite the seeming simplicity of the technique, this surgery belongs to the full-fledged surgical interventions and requires thorough preparation followed by rehabilitation. Although tissue trauma will not be as extensive as with traditional breast augmentation, the surgery has its own peculiarities, as well as contraindications.


The procedure of breast augmentation with lipofilling has a number of undeniable advantages over the classic method. First of all, it is worth noting the safety of the method, as in the course of the intervention is used not a foreign implant for the body (albeit from inert, hypoallergenic materials), but its own fatty tissue taken from the problem areas.

In rare cases, patients have an intolerance to the implants, which leads to rejection of the prosthesis and the need for repeated surgery. The patient's own adipose tissue is not perceived as foreign, it is calmly accepted by the body - the cells are immediately recognized as their own and take root well.

The second advantage of this type of surgery is a shorter recovery period. The minimal traumatization of tissues during punctures for the introduction of fat and the use of your own tissues allows the breast to recover in a shorter period of time. Therefore, the rehabilitation period for this intervention is much shorter than for traditional mammoplasty.

In addition, breast plasty with your own fat allows you to realize the desire of women to increase their breasts in a natural way, without the placement of implants. After the surgery almost no trace remains, you can form a natural shape of the breast and you will not feel that you had plastic surgery. After lipofilling there is no need to replace the implant, which reduces the final cost of breast correction.


Breast augmentation by taking fat from problem areas and then injecting it into the breasts helps to solve certain bust problems. This determines the indications for mammoplasty with your own fat. These are:

  • volume augmentation and correction of breast shape without the use of implants, if the patient wishes to change the size of her bust;
  • Correction of mammary glands that have changed shape and volume after pregnancy and lactation, returning fullness, roundness and elasticity;
  • Elimination of asymmetry between the right and left breasts;
  • correction of tissue and volume deficiency after trauma or reconstructive surgeries, including failed mammoplasty;
  • Correction of tubularity, defects of the lower part of the breast to give it a more perfect shape;
  • elimination of the double-bubble effect, waviness, contouring of the implant after breast plasty;
  • elimination of ptosis in combination with a breast lift.

Additionally, a plastic surgeon can determine other indications for the use of your own fatty tissue for breast surgery. The price of breast lipofilling in our clinic will depend on the amount of intervention and additional procedures (breast lift, figure correction by taking fat from problem areas).


Despite the safety of this operation, there are a number of contraindications for lipofilling, which should be taken into account beforehand. These include the following health problems:

  • any type of diabetes mellitus;
  • abnormalities of the heart and vascular system;
  • problems in the clotting system;
  • colds and any acute infections, febrile states;
  • the presence of tuberculosis;
  • development of dermatitis in the area of fat extraction and injection;
  • detection of any type of hepatitis;
  • all variants of cancer.

Breast plasty with this method is not performed during menstruation, pregnancy and subsequent lactation. Surgery is recommended one year after breastfeeding ends.


Before scheduling the surgery at the initial consultation, the doctor clarifies how much lipofilling of the breasts costs and develops a preparation plan for the surgery. First of all, it is necessary 1-2 weeks before the intervention to take all the tests to rule out the presence of various diseases. This is a general blood test, biochemical study, assessment of blood sugar and coagulation, the exclusion of HIV, syphilis and infectious hepatitis. It is obligatory to determine the blood group and rhesus belonging. It is also necessary to have an ECG, a consultation with a therapist, and fluorography. It is important to be examined by a mammologist, to perform an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. In the presence of varicose veins, an ultrasound examination of the veins of the lower limbs is shown. Before surgery you should avoid eating for 8-10 hours, 3-4 hours do not drink. The intervention is carried out under general anesthesia.


Lipofilling is performed using the patient's own fat cells, which the doctor first takes from other problem areas (usually the abdomen). At the first stage, anesthesia is administered and the material is taken, which will then be used for transplantation into the breasts. The doctor performs liposuction, gently separating the fat deposits so that they can then be treated.

After the required volume of fat tissue is taken, it is placed in a centrifuge, where it is cleaned from impurities (blood cells, plasma, solutions). The fat is filtered and ready to be injected into the breast area. In some techniques, growth factors or erythropoietin may be added to the fat emulsion.

In the last stage of the operation, the doctor inserts a strictly measured volume of fatty tissue into the correction area by marking the breasts in advance. After surgery, there is no need for sutures, because the introduction of fatty tissue is done through small punctures. Special cannulas with rounded edges are used to withdraw and inject the material, which causes minimal trauma to blood vessels and tissues.


The procedure belongs to the category of minimally invasive interventions, so the rehabilitation process is short, and you can quickly return to your normal life. After the manipulation, the patient stays under the supervision of a hospital doctor for 24 hours in order to avoid complications. After the injection of the fat cells, discomfort and small bruises may be felt in the puncture sites, which quickly disappear.

After lipofilling, you should avoid hot showers and heat procedures for three days. Hot baths can be taken after one month. During the first period, you need to exclude physical activity and compression of the breast, massage and heat in order to give the fatty tissue an opportunity to take root.

Doctor's opinion

The procedure has been gaining popularity in recent years because it allows you to increase the size of your bust without the use of implants in the range of 1-2 sizes without major incisions and with a relatively short rehabilitation period.

Spitsyn Vladislav Igorevich

Plastic surgeon

Experience 12 years

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Lipofilling of the breasts
Lipofilling of the breasts

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Chumak Roman Anatolievich

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Candidate of Medical Sciences 

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Krasnoselskikh Maxim Andreyevich

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Yunusova Yulia Rustemovna

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Experience 11 years 

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Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

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Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

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Experience 5 years 

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How much does breast lipofilling cost?

Липофилинг тела from 43000 ₽

*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary).

The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:

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