Protruding, overly large ears or thickened, elongated lobes can cause psychological discomfort and personal problems. Today, plastic surgeons help patients overcome their complexes by correcting floppy ears, lobe defects, congenital abnormalities of the auricle structure or acquired cartilage damage. They can correct disproportionate position of ears, their too big or small size, underdevelopment of certain parts, asymmetry. The high level of safety and low cost of otoplasty make it one of the most popular surgeries.
Depending on the objectives, otoplasty in our clinic can be performed for aesthetic or medical reasons (so-called reconstructive surgery). The type of surgery determines the amount of intervention and the tactics of the plastic surgeon, the duration of rehabilitation and the price of earplasty.
Aesthetic intervention helps to correct certain cosmetic defects such as protruding ears, asymmetry, and over-sized ear canals. The doctor modifies one or both ears according to the patient's wishes.
Reconstructive plastic surgery on auricles, lobes helps to eliminate complex defects that arose in utero, or acquired during life as a result of trauma, burns, cartilage fractures, various diseases of the outer ear. For these operations, both the ear's own tissues and parts of cartilage taken from the ribs can be used.
At the DEGA Clinic, otoplasty is performed for certain defects in the position or shape of one or both ears. The doctor can help if available:
The doctor determines the indication together with the patient, conducting an initial consultation and determining the severity and severity of the existing defects.
Otoplasty at our plastic surgery clinic is a planned procedure. Therefore, it is performed after all possible contraindications have been excluded. The following can be reasons for cancelling the operation:
Before the ear correction surgery, the patient undergoes a complete comprehensive examination to rule out additional contraindications.
Before earplasty our clinic conducts a preliminary consultation with a plastic surgeon. It involves examining and discussing the patient's problems, making a plan of surgery, taking into account the existing wishes, and specifying the price of plastic ear surgery. The doctor leads a computer simulation of the results, so you can get a full idea of the final result. To prepare for the intervention, tests and examinations are required. These are:
In addition, the doctor gives a number of recommendations before otoplasty to reduce the risk of possible complications. It is important to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, taking medications that affect clotting, and non-steroidal drugs.
Before the surgery, the type of anesthesia is discussed. In most cases, the doctor uses local anesthesia, but surgery can also be performed under anesthesia. After anesthesia, the surgeon makes incisions behind the ear, removes excess cartilage, and corrects the shape of the ear. The surgery may last up to 60 minutes or more. After all the necessary steps are done, the skin returns to its place, and the doctor sews it up. After surgery, there may be discomfort in the wound area.
Depending on the chosen method, the doctor can use both the patient's own ear tissue and part of the cartilage from the rib area. It is possible to perform laser otoplasty, which has a number of advantages, reduces tissue trauma and blood loss. But it is not suitable in all cases.
After surgery there is tissue swelling, the ears are fixed with a special bandage. It is changed once every two days, the bandage is worn for a week. In case of pain, medication prescribed by the doctor is used, after discharge you need to sleep in a bandage for another month to avoid trauma to the surgical site.
For a week, you must refuse to wash your head, so that no water gets into the wounds, the full recovery period takes up to 2-6 months, depending on the complexity. The stitches are removed after 8-10 days, with self-absorbable sutures the stitches are not removed. In the first weeks you need to avoid sudden temperature changes, refuse physical activity.
If you are looking for the best otoplasty procedure, consider our clinic. Experienced doctors have practical knowledge in the field of otoplasty, constantly improving their professional level. Operations are carried out in modern, equipped with all the necessary operating rooms, the recovery process takes place in a cozy and comfortable rooms.
The aesthetics of ears is a subjective concept. Some people live beautifully with floppy ears, considering it their highlight, for others it is a source of complexes. This is where the help of surgeons is needed.
*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary). The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:
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