Facelift - a circular facelift

Facelift - a circular facelift

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A facelift, neck lift and chin lift is a full-fledged plastic surgery procedure that removes wrinkles and sagging tissues, correcting age-related changes in the face. As a result, after the surgical facelift skin becomes firmer, the external signs of aging are eliminated, and wrinkles are smoothed out. During the operation, the doctor removes excess fatty tissue, which lies under the dermis, the skin is redistributed, and its excesses are cut off.


Performing a facelift surgery at the clinic in St. Petersburg can be recommended for a whole group of patients who have the following problems:

  • pronounced ptosis of the soft tissues (cheeks, eyelids, chin line);
  • the outer corners of the eyes are down;
  • deep folds were formed in the area of the temporomandibular zone and the bridge of the nose;
  • The skin sags in the area of the eyebrows, neck and forehead;
  • deep creases and wrinkles in the forehead and neck area are pronounced;
  • the cheeks were filled with pimples;
  • creases in the area of the nasolabial triangle are pronounced;
  • a double chin appeared;
  • there are vertical wrinkles in the cheek area.

In the presence of subtle signs of aging, a minimal facelift for facial rejuvenation is possible. If the volume of changes is large, a rhytidectomy of the face and neck is required, a serious complex tissue treatment.


Performing a facelift on the face and cheeks is a fairly serious operation. Therefore, it is important to rule out all possible contraindications to the intervention. These include:

  • during pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding;
  • Under 30 years of age;
  • chronic pathologies at the decompensation stage;
  • tuberculosis or HIV;
  • pronounced anemia;
  • severe abnormalities of internal organs;
  • any kind of oncology;
  • nervous system disorders (depression, neurosis);
  • decreased immunity after infections or operations;
  • acute period of a heart attack or stroke (within 6 months);
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • serious kidney abnormalities;
  • susceptibility to thrombosis;
  • intolerance to anesthesia or anesthesia drugs;
  • acute infections or febrile conditions;
  • skin abnormalities in the affected area;
  • lesions of the soft tissues of the face and mandibular joint.


Different clinics that offer a facelift (or facelift) have different procedure options:

Classic general facelift with extensive incisions behind the ears, along the hairline, under the chin and severe tissue manipulation. Excess skin is removed and the effect lasts for up to 5-10 years.

Endoscopic facelift is a minimally invasive facelift for wrinkles with incisions up to 2 cm under general anesthesia. Connective tissue displacement is brought back into place and excess fat deposits are removed.

Temporal (aka temporal) elevator is a lateral lift of facial tissues in the area of problem areas, which rejuvenates the forehead, cheekbones and the area around the eyes.

AQUALIFTING is a puncture behind the ears and in the chin area with streams of water flushing out fat deposits.

Thread facelift is a minimally invasive procedure to lift the face, eliminate nasolabial folds, sagging tissues of the lower third of the face.

SMAS-lifting is an impact on the deep layer of the epidermis with ultrasound, which stimulates the synthesis of collagen. It reduces expression lines, improves the facial oval, reduces the depth of nasolabial folds.

According to the area of the operation are distinguished:

  • a lift of the upper third of the face;
  • Midface lift;
  • Lift of the lower third of the face and neck.

Photo rejuvenation, laser facelift, microcurrent tissue lifting and other minimally invasive procedures are also performed. The prices for a circular facelift in St. Petersburg depend on the amount of intervention and the chosen technique.


During the initial consultation before any form of plastic surgery, including a circumferential facelift, the doctor and the patient will determine how much the procedure costs and what tests are required. A detailed medical history, exclusion of contraindications, and consideration of any allergies to medications are necessary. Urine and blood tests, a coagulation study, fluorography, ECG, and a consultation with a therapist and an anesthesiologist are performed before the procedure is scheduled.

Drugs that affect clotting, hormones, and non-steroidal medications are stopped. It is important to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, which helps to improve wound healing results.


In a classic facelift, the doctor makes incisions in the temporal region, along the hairline, then goes downwards, going under the earlobe and into the occipital region. The skin is peeled away from the underlying tissues, stretched, excess fat is removed, excess skin is cut off, fixed in its new position and sutured. In other minimally invasive intervention methods, general anesthesia or local anesthesia is possible.


During the rehabilitation period after surgery, you must stay in the clinic for several days under medical supervision. It is necessary to wear a special compression bandage, perform regular dressings, both in the clinic and after discharge. You should refrain from washing your head for a week, until the stitches have healed.

Makeup is used two weeks after surgery, sports are prohibited for two months.

If in the first few days you feel pain, you need to take analgesics, and healing, anti-inflammatory drugs and antiseptics are used in the area of the sutures. Sometimes antibiotics may be necessary. It is important to give up smoking and alcohol for the rehabilitation period.

Doctor's opinion

Facelift techniques are constantly being improved. Each new technology makes the result even more natural. The incision sites are safely hidden from prying eyes, so that no one will know how such an impressive rejuvenating effect was achieved.

Chetverikova Marina Anatolievna

Plastic surgeon

Experience 18 years

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Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift
Facelift - a circular facelift

Doctors At The Dega Clinic

Khristenko Arthur Alexandrovich

Ведущий пластический хирург

Khristenko Arthur Alexandrovich

Leading plastic surgeon, cosmetologist 

Experience 17 years 

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Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Tsoi Yuri Robertovich

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 11 years 

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Alexei Alexandrovich Gavrilchenko

Alexei Alexandrovich Gavrilchenko

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 11 years 

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Chetverikova Marina Anatolievna

Chetverikova Marina Anatolievna

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 18 years 

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Krasnoselskikh Maxim Andreyevich

Krasnoselskikh Maxim Andreyevich

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 22 years 

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Yunusova Yulia Rustemovna

Yunusova Yulia Rustemovna

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 11 years 

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Manasheva Elizaveta Borisovna

Manasheva Elizaveta Borisovna

Plastic surgeon, cosmetic surgeon  

Candidate of Medical Sciences 

Experience 7 years 

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Shnitkin Anton Sergeevich

Shnitkin Anton Sergeevich

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 7 years 

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Shornikov Evgenij Sergeevich

Shornikov Evgenij Sergeevich

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 5 years 

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All Specialists Of The Clinic

How much does a facelift/facelift cost?

Глубокий SMAS - лифтинг по методу Мендельсона from 548900 ₽
Подтяжка верхних двух третей лица с пластикой SMAS from 323900 ₽
Подтяжка лица и шеи с пластикой SMAS from 433900 ₽
Подтяжка нижней трети лица и шеи с пластикой SMAS from 361900 ₽
Подтяжка нижних двух третей лица с пластикой SMAS from 500900 ₽
Подтяжка шеи с пластикой SMAS from 390900 ₽

*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary).

The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:

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