The endoscopic face and neck lift is one of the most popular procedures among plastic surgeons. Thanks to this minimally invasive surgery, you can return your face to a beautiful and youthful appearance in a short period of time. During the procedure, there is little tissue trauma, which significantly reduces the rehabilitation period. However, in order to avoid complications and unexpected results, you must first consult with your doctor and carefully choose a clinic.
The main difference of the endoscopic facelift is the absence of visible sutures. To perform all manipulations in the scalp or behind the ears, the doctor makes 3-4 small incisions of no more than 1 cm through which the instruments are inserted, with which the surgeon lifts the skin, distributing excess skin, smoothing out creases and wrinkles, preserving the natural facial features. Surgical intervention is minimal and does not require a long stay in the clinic.
Endoscopic facelift surgery is performed to correct certain cosmetic defects. These are:
Although the endoscopic facelift is quite expensive, this type of intervention has a number of advantages over traditional approaches in which extensive incisions are made.
First of all, the surgery is fast enough, giving high results with high intervention efficiency. During the surgery, the tissues are slightly traumatized, so the recovery period lasts only a few weeks. The results last for at least 5 years and more, the face looks younger, more attractive, the main age-related changes - wrinkles, deep folds - are eliminated.
This intervention is less extensive than the circular face lift, but it also has a number of contraindications. These include:
Additional contraindications may be identified during the preliminary examination.
Most often endoscopic facelift is performed on the upper face. It is a correction of the forehead and eyebrows, temporal area, in the presence of deep folds, wrinkles, skin overhangs, flabby tissues. After the lift, quite pronounced wrinkles are smoothed out, the face becomes open, young and attractive.
No less popular is endoscopic midface lift. It is indicated if there are problems in the corners of the mouth (drooping, wrinkles, flabbiness), formed deep nasolabial folds, not enough volume in the cheek arches. During the operation the cheek area is corrected, the folds are eliminated without changing the facial expressions.
Endoscopic lower face lift is a minimally invasive surgical intervention aimed at correcting the lower jaw and chin area. Doctors eliminate ptosis of tissues, frills, second chin and form clearer jaw angles, outlined facial oval.
Although endoscopic facelift surgery is minimally invasive and less expensive than a traditional circumferential facelift, it is important to prepare carefully for the intervention to avoid possible complications. The first step - a consultation with a plastic surgeon with a detailed discussion of the expected results, the scope of the intervention and an assessment of your overall health. The doctor finds out the patient's medical history, what diseases the patient has ever had, what operations he endured, if there are any chronic pathologies, what drugs are taken on an ongoing basis. Then a number of tests and procedures are prescribed to assess readiness for the intervention.
Blood tests (biochemistry, general examination, coagulogram, determination of blood group, rhesus belonging, tests for hepatitis, HIV, RW), urine tests are performed. ECG and fluorography are required.
Two weeks before the intervention is necessary to quit smoking and drinking alcohol, cancel some medications, eliminate allergies, limit physical activity and fluid intake, to avoid swelling of the face. The operation is performed strictly on an empty stomach, 8-10 hours before the operation you must stop eating.
An endoscopic facelift is a relatively safe procedure, but it is performed under general anesthesia. After preliminary preparation of the patient and introduction of anesthesia the doctor makes a series of microincisions behind the ears and in the area of the scalp for the introduction of an endoscope with a camera, conducts a detailed assessment of the tissue structure in order to perform the most precise lift of problem areas, without forming a mask effect and deforming facial features.
During the surgery, absorbable sutures are used to fix the tissues and close the incisions. This saves unnecessary visits to the clinic and allows the muscles and soft tissues to remain functional. During the operation special drainage tubes are inserted, through which the treasure is removed, which prevents edema and haematoma. After the elevator, the edges of the wounds are connected using special staples.
The operation lasts up to 1-2 hours, depending on the scope of the intervention.
The rehabilitation period is relatively short - it lasts about a month. The most severe restrictions are required during the first two weeks of recovery.
In the first 24 hours after surgery the patient stays in the clinic under medical supervision. Usually postoperative care is included in the price of endoscopic face lift, along with additional manipulations - dressings, treatment of sutures.
During the first three days, cold compresses are regularly applied to the facial area to relieve swelling and soreness. Each session lasts up to 10-15 minutes, for a total of 4-5 treatments per day.
If the face is swollen and bruised, they are treated with special anti-edematous agents. For 2-3 weeks you should avoid active mimic movements, during the first week you must wear a special bandage (with the selected level of compression).
For two months, you should avoid heavy physical activity and sports, for the first month sleeping is allowed only on the back to minimize the impact and pressure on the operated area.
Compared to a circular facelift, the procedure has far fewer complications and side effects. These include swelling of tissues, bruising, temporary facial expression problems, impaired hair growth where the incisions and instruments are inserted.
The techniques are constantly being improved. The incision sites are securely hidden from prying eyes, so that no one will know how such an impressive effect was achieved.
*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary). The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:
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