Secondary rhinoplasty

Secondary rhinoplasty

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Rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult plastic surgeries and requires great skill from the surgeon. Doctors do not always manage to take into account all the nuances of a patient's anatomy, as well as his wishes, which is why sometimes the intervention does not bring the desired result. In that case it can be decided to repeat the procedure. Specialists of DEGA Clinic in Saint-Petersburg will perform repeated (secondary) rhinoplasty and will give your nose or its tip a really aesthetic look.


The main indication for secondary rhinoplasty is the patient's dissatisfaction with the achieved result.

Violation of the necessary requirements for the operation can lead to problems such as:

  • deviation of the nasal septum;
  • the appearance of asymmetry;
  • respiratory impairment;
  • loss of sense of smell;
  • changes in the proportions of the face for the worse.

Of course, this result of rhinoplasty is unlikely to please anyone, so the patient is sent for a second correction.

The list of contraindications to intervention includes:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx, sinuses;
  • elevated body temperature regardless of the cause of its increase;
  • reduced immunity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • general severe diseases, including autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus and other severe endocrine pathology;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period.


Even if a patient has taken great care in choosing a doctor and clinic, the result of rhinoplasty may not be satisfactory. With repeat surgery, surgeons can solve problems such as:

  • subjective dissatisfaction with the shape or size of the nose;
  • impaired nasal breathing as a result of surgery;
  • nasal displacement to the right or left;
  • The appearance of a hump or depression on the back;
  • too visible scars in the columella area;
  • The unnaturalness of facial features, the lack of harmony in them.


Most often, repeat rhinoplasty is performed for aesthetic reasons, i.e. when the patient is dissatisfied with the result of the first surgery. The defects can be both subjective (critical for the individual) and objective (e.g., nasal displacement to the side, pronounced asymmetry of the wings, unaesthetic bony calluses, etc.). Surgery for medical reasons is necessary when nasal breathing is impaired or completely absent, as well as when headaches are caused by a lack of oxygen.

The list of contraindications to intervention includes:

  • impaired blood clotting;
  • immunodeficiency states, regardless of the cause;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • malignant tumors of any localization;
  • infectious diseases;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • Severe general illnesses, including chronic ones;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, including diabetes mellitus;
  • autoimmune processes.


As with primary rhinoplasty, reoperative surgery begins with a detailed consultation with a plastic surgeon. He reviews statements from the clinic where the previous surgery was performed, examines and feels the patient's nose, and if necessary, conducts a rhinoscopy - a study of the nasal cavity using a special mirror and dilator. Often a computer simulation is performed to visualize the intended result.

The next stage of preparation is a diagnostic complex, including blood tests (general, biochemistry, coagulogram, tests for infections), urinalysis, ECG, fluorography, examinations by a therapist and anesthesiologist.

Two weeks before the intervention, the patient will have to give up alcohol and medications that reduce blood clotting.


Secondary rhinoplasty is performed under anesthesia. For small defects, doctors may choose the closed type of surgery, in which two incisions are made along the inner edge of the nasal passages. If a large-scale intervention is required, surgeons prefer to perform the intervention in the open method. The incision in this case runs along the nostrils and the septum connecting them. This allows you to flap the skin and see all the nuances of the anatomy. If necessary, grafts from artificial materials or patient's cartilage are used.

After the manipulations are completed, the wounds are stitched and a plaster splint is placed on the back of the nose to fix the tissues in the correct position.


The patient spends 1-3 days in the hospital, depending on the complexity of the operation. After 7-10 days, the stitches are removed. During the first month, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • Do not remove the cast until the doctor approves it;
  • not wear glasses;
  • Do not overheat or expose your face to ultraviolet light;
  • eliminate smoking and alcohol intake;
  • sleep only on your back with the headboard elevated;
  • Exclude physical exertion, lifting weights, bending forward;
  • minimize stress and situations accompanied by high blood pressure;
  • Do not blow your nose or drink liquids through a tube.

Swelling and bruising gradually begin to disappear 1-2 weeks after surgery, and the final result is visualized after 6-12 months.

If you are not happy with the result of rhinoplasty, let the surgeons of DEGA Clinic correct the situation. Make an appointment by phone or through the website.

Doctor's opinion

Repeated rhinoplasty is possible only after complete tissue recovery. Ideally, at least one year should pass between interventions, only in this case the result will be predictable.

Doctors At The Dega Clinic

Alexei Alexandrovich Gavrilchenko

Alexei Alexandrovich Gavrilchenko

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 11 years 

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Вторичная ринопластика from 416000 ₽
Вторичная септоринопластика from 541000 ₽
Вторичная септоринохейлопластика from 544000 ₽

*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary).

The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:

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