Many people are unhappy with the tip of the nose because it is particularly noticeable and often disrupts the proportion and harmony of the face. It is believed that the correction of this area reflects the skill of the plastic surgeon. It is easier to technically correct the back of the nose than the tip.
This area consists of cartilage, and the shape is defined by the cartilaginous part of both nostrils, the so-called inferior lateral cartilage. In addition to the cartilage, the tip of the nose forms a dense skin, rich in sebaceous glands. Features of the structure of these tissues and determine the shape of the tip of the nose. Thus, it can be thick, fleshy or omitted, wide tip, upturned, thin or nodding (when you smile can be omitted), forked. When performing rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose, the doctor can correct the shape, size of this area, and make the organ as proportionate as possible.
To correct the shape of the nose and its tip, back, and wings, surgery is used - closed or open, primary or repeated rhinoplasty. It allows you to eliminate both congenital and acquired defects, restore some of the lost tissue, reduce the size, to correct the tip of the nose. Intervention only in the area of the tip helps:
Plastic surgeon gives the tip the shape that suits the proportions and type of face, age of the patient, satisfies his aesthetic taste. Usually, it raises the drooping tip, corrects hooked nose, makes it thinner and more elegant, eliminates the bifurcation. In addition, the surgeon can correct the nose "potato", snub nose or flattening, sagging due to injury or previous operations.
Although in our clinic rhinoplasty of the tip and wings of the nose has been performed for a long time and successfully, it can be performed only in the absence of contraindications. These include:
During the initial consultation, the doctor may additionally determine individual temporary or permanent contraindications.
Before nasal tip reduction surgery or other types of interventions, a consultation with a plastic surgeon with a detailed discussion of the surgery, its results, preparation and price is necessary. The doctor will conduct a detailed examination of the nose, endoscopy and modeling, will explain all the nuances of surgery and subsequent rehabilitation. To prepare for plastic nasal tip specialist appoints a number of tests (blood and urine), as well as performing ECG, chest X-ray, consultations with specialized professionals. The preparation includes compliance with the doctor's recommendations. About a week you need to give up alcohol and smoking, drugs that affect blood clotting. The day before surgery you need to eat light, easily digestible foods, for 8 hours before the intervention to abandon food completely. Do not eat or drink in the morning.
In our St. Petersburg clinic, nasal tip plasty is performed with both open and closed access - the differences are in access to the cartilaginous part of the nasal tip. With open access, the doctor makes an incision in the area of the bridge between the nostrils (columella) with access to the wing cartilages. The doctor then excises the excess tissue, giving the nasal tip the necessary shape, and sutures it. If necessary, the lintel is lifted and reinforced with supporting cartilage. The surgery is most popular because the surgeon can see the entire operating field, and the remaining scar on the columella is virtually invisible.
Closed plasty is performed through incisions in the mucosa from inside the nasal cavity. The operation is faster, the result is visible almost immediately, but access to the operation area is limited, not all techniques can be used, there is a risk of hematomas and bleeding. The doctor chooses the technique based on the patient's needs and anatomical features.
Rehabilitation is quick, almost without complications. In the first few days there may be minor swelling, pain, and bruises, which disappear within 2-3 weeks. To reduce discomfort in the first few days, you can take painkillers. Slight swelling of the tip lasts up to 3 months. In order to make the recovery process as quick and easy as possible, there are a number of recommendations that should be followed:
The results can be assessed after 8-10 weeks, the final shape of the nose is acquired by the end of the first year.
When performing rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose, the doctor can correct the shape, size of this area, and make the organ as proportionate as possible.
*The site is a reference and informational potential for getting acquainted with the approximate price level in comparison with a wide advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implantation (if necessary).
The exact cost of the service depends on the volume and is required only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of services for you, sign up for an initial consultation, pay attention to the following points:
Making an appointment