Age-related changes manifest themselves most quickly in the face and neck. Therefore, correction of the area of the platysma, a flat, thin muscle located under the chin, helps eliminate flabbiness, a second chin and loss of contours of the lower face. Our plastic surgeons perform various types of platysmoplasty - a plastic surgery to eliminate wrinkles, creases, visually elongate the neck, giving it grace.
Our specialists perform surgical neck lift at the request of the patient and in the presence of certain indications. These are:
Such problems are most often formed by the age of 40-45 years, an experienced plastic surgeon can evaluate the overall condition of the tissues and recommend an intervention or choose an alternative.
In our clinic we care about the safety of patients, so the neck plasty is appointed only after excluding any possible contraindications. These are:
Any type of plastic surgery in the neck area is prohibited in case of acute infections, high body temperature, presence of skin rashes in the area of intervention. The procedure is postponed for several weeks and can only be performed after you have fully recovered.
The first thing to do is to make an appointment with one of our plastic surgeons. The doctor will hold a detailed conversation, clarify expectations from the operation and the cost, examine the neck and chin, assess the condition of tissues, ask questions about health, medications, past diseases. If there are no contraindications to the intervention, the specialist will prescribe tests and examinations, consult a general practitioner and an anesthesiologist.
Two weeks before the procedure, you should cancel medications that affect clotting, give up alcohol and smoking. Before the surgery (the night before and in the morning) you should not use cosmetics (creams, serums).
There is a difference in the price of surgery depending on the volume and type of intervention. The following options are available for a neck tissue lift:
medial - in the course of the intervention, the doctor tightens the subcutaneous muscles to the central area of the neck, forming a clearer angle between the neck and chin. The operation is performed through a tiny incision under the chin, which is hardly noticeable after the tissues have healed;
lateral - the platysma is sutured horizontally so that the muscles are pulled up and slightly to the sides. The incisions will be located behind the ears, they are not visible.
Hollywood - the second chin is corrected and the neck is visually lengthened;
corseting - excess fatty tissue in the chin area is corrected, especially in patients with decreased skin elasticity;
Endoscopic - performed using special equipment, eliminates minor ptosis of the tissues. The operation is done through small punctures under the chin, which will not be visible.
The patient stays in the hospital for the first 1-2 days under medical supervision, then goes home for rehabilitation. It usually lasts up to 2-4 weeks, by day 9-10 the stitches are hardly noticeable, the first results can be assessed. The final result of the neck lift can be seen by 2-3 months.
At home, after discharge, you should wear an elastic bandage, in the first 2-3 weeks avoid solariums and baths, swimming pool, try not to get colds, sleep only on your back. Until the stitches heal, it is important to treat them with the solutions advised by your surgeon. For 3-4 weeks, you need to unload the muscles of the neck, avoiding exercise and sudden movements.
Modern techniques are minimally invasive, safe and effective, and their rehabilitation period is short.
*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary).
The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:
Making an appointment