Gluteoplasty (buttocks plastic surgery)

(buttocks plastic surgery)

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Today plastic surgery for buttock augmentation - gluteoplasty - is very popular. This type of surgical intervention is used for aesthetic purposes, helping to form ideal shapes, an attractive silhouette and well-developed buttocks muscles. Implants, own fatty tissues or combined techniques are used to create attractive roundness in the buttocks.

Today plastic surgery of buttocks is carried out with the placement of silicone implants, individually selected by shape, type of prosthesis and size, to give the necessary volume and the desired outline of the figure. Particularly effective intervention after 30-35 years of age, when the muscles gradually lose their tone, the gluteal fold is displaced, and looseness of tissue is formed. Often, due to congenital features of the shape of muscles, even intensive training cannot achieve the desired effect, in which case the problem can be solved by surgery to increase the buttocks.


Performing plastic surgery to enlarge the buttocks and correct their shape has no medical indications. The intervention is performed only for aesthetic reasons, if the patient wants to change the appearance of the buttocks. Usually, this operation is resorted to in the following situations:

  • The patient wants to increase the size of the buttocks, to correct their shape;
  • muscle atrophy has developed after serious illness or trauma;
  • ptosis (prolapse of tissues) is pronounced in the area of the buttocks, there is flabbiness of tissues;
  • pronounced asymmetry of the gluteal muscles is determined;
  • insufficiently developed muscular elements, which forms a flat butt.

Before preparing for surgery and to specify the price of gluteoplasty buttocks in St. Petersburg, it is important to preliminarily exclude all possible contraindications to surgical intervention.

First of all, no interventions are performed in underage patients, during pregnancy and lactation. Other contraindications include:

  • the presence of endocrine abnormalities (thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus);
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • any cancerous diseases;
  • severe chronic pathologies;
  • tendency to develop keloid scars;
  • skin abnormalities at the intervention site (rash, boils, allergic manifestations);
  • acute infections, febrile syndrome.

During the examination, the plastic surgeon may determine additional contraindications that may be an obstacle to surgery.


Since augmentation of the buttocks with implants and additional interventions during surgery is a full-fledged surgical intervention with general anesthesia, it is necessary to prepare for the plastic surgery. First of all, you need a consultation with a plastic surgeon, during which the doctor examines in detail the patient's medical history, previous diseases, conducting interviews, learning all the wishes regarding the expected outcomes. It is necessary to inform the specialist about all previous operations, allergies, chronic diseases and all the medications that the patient takes (including vitamins and supplements). It is necessary to perform a series of tests (a general study of urine and blood, coagulogram and biochemistry, exclusion of HIV, syphilis, the presence of hepatitis), an ECG and chest X-ray, the conclusion of a therapist and examination of anesthesiologist. After analyzing all the data the doctor sets the date, specifies the cost of surgery to increase the buttocks.

In preparation for the intervention, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations - two weeks before surgery blood thinners, hormones, alcohol is prohibited, smoking cessation is required. It is important to give up any diet, move to a healthy, sensible diet. For 4 weeks before the intervention should refuse to go to the beach and tanning beds. The operation is carried out under general anaesthesia, so about 8-10 hours before the operation the patient must stop eating, and 3-4 hours before taking liquids.


The price of buttock augmentation surgery depends on the method chosen. Buttock augmentation can be performed using endoprosthetics (individually selected silicone implants) or using lipofilling (your own fat tissues taken from other parts of the body).

When endoprosthetics are used, an implant is placed under the greater or lesser gluteus medius. The implant can have different sizes or shapes.

Round implants help to increase volume and give a more appetizing shape. They are used in a body-conscious manner so that the intervention does not result in unnatural contours of the buttocks.

Oval prostheses help increase the volume of the buttocks, give them more elasticity, they are applicable in the presence of a pear-shaped own buttocks.

The filling of implants varies, which ultimately affects the final results. The implants can be gel-silicone-filled (this is a highly cohesive compound) or extremely durable implants made of silicone elastomer.

The intervention itself follows a certain pattern. The patient is anesthetized beforehand, and the area where the implants are placed is treated with antiseptic solutions.

An incision is made in the gluteal crease area and the vessels are cauterized to prevent bleeding. Then the doctor inserts the implant into the area under the large or small gluteus maximus and assesses the size of the new buttocks.

If the result is satisfactory, the implant is fixed, the tissues and skin are stitched, and the surgical site is covered with sterile dressings.


The cost of buttock augmentation surgery usually includes follow-up care for the patient and the first stages of rehabilitation. The first two days a person stays in the clinic under medical supervision, you must be in a supine position for at least 5-6 days, the first two to three days - bed rest is particularly strict, allowed the position exclusively on the stomach, using for convenience pillows or bolsters.

Within a week of the operation there is pain and discomfort, which are treated with medications selected by the doctor. Three days after the intervention it is forbidden to shower and the operation site must not be wet. Then the showering is limited to a few minutes, but the operation site must not be rubbed or disturbed.

Bathing is prohibited for at least 2-3 weeks, until the stitches are completely healed. For two months it is necessary to wear a compression garment. This is important for the firm fixation of the implants in their final position until the full engraftment, keeping the tissues immobile, which reduces swelling and pain. Compression underwear stimulates blood circulation and lymph drainage, helps in even distribution of pressure and proper formation of scars after surgery.

During the first month of wearing compression underwear around the clock, you can remove the product during hygiene procedures, from the second month you can take it off at night.

For two weeks you can not sit on the butt, for a month forbidden to do any kind of sports, not to have injections in the buttocks, go to the beach, drink alcohol.

Doctor's opinion

The specific method of gluteoplasty is chosen on an individual basis depending on the patient's tissue status and wishes. The decision is made at the preliminary consultation.

Spitsyn Vladislav Igorevich

Plastic surgeon

Experience 12 years

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Spitsyn Vladislav Igorevich

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Experience 12 years 

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Plastic surgeon, cosmetic surgeon  

Candidate of Medical Sciences 

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Увеличение ягодиц имплантатом from 200000 ₽

*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary).

The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:

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