Fat tissue is important for the body, but it is important to consider the fact that its percentage to muscle mass must be balanced. With excess fatty deposits, which are concentrated in problem areas, the figure suffers and health problems are likely. Various methods are used to fight excessive fat deposits - correcting your own diet (reducing calories, volume of fats and carbohydrates), regular physical exercises and a variety of cosmetic procedures. However, these techniques do not help everyone and not always. If all methods are ineffective, the doctor may recommend removing fat from the body surgically - performing liposuction.
This term refers to a surgical procedure in which a plastic surgeon removes excess fat deposits localized in problem areas (abdomen, arms, legs, thighs, breasts, back, etc.) using a special vacuum device. The cost of full-body liposuction will vary depending on the amount of deposits removed and the type of procedure. However, the basic principle of intervention during liposuction is the same. A special cannula is inserted into the subcutaneous fatty tissue area, which is connected by a tube to an apparatus that pumps a vacuum. The apparatus creates negative pressure, due to which subcutaneous fat is pumped out in the required volume.
The approximate price of body liposuction depends on the technique chosen and the total amount of subcutaneous fat to be removed. Liposuction itself in problem areas throughout the body can fall into two different categories:
Non-operative methods include manual liposuction (also called armoplasty), injection of lipolytics, cryolipolysis. Although the rehabilitation period for these techniques is minimal, but their effectiveness is low, they cannot remove bulky fat deposits, you need a more radical solution.
More radical methods of liposuction include the full classical operative method of removing excess fatty tissue with a vacuum machine, the tumescent method is a pre-liquefaction of fat deposits by injecting solutions that thin the fat, followed by pumping them out with a vacuum.
Among the key indications for the various methods of liposuction are the following:
The doctor can determine the indications for liposuction together with the patient by conducting an initial consultation and evaluation of the figure.
Before scheduling the surgery, it is important to rule out all possible contraindications to liposuction together with your doctor. Do not perform the surgery if the patient is diagnosed with:
In addition, according to the results of the preliminary examination, a plastic surgeon can determine additional temporary or permanent contraindications to surgery. These include allergies to components of anesthesia and certain drugs, some mental disorders, problems with self-perception of the body (dysmophobia).
It is important to understand that liposuction is a serious surgical procedure and that you must prepare carefully for it. The surgery uses general anesthesia, and therefore requires a preliminary examination, which determines the condition of the body. It is necessary to perform a number of tests: general clinical blood test, excluding anemia and inflammation, infections, biochemical and electrolyte analysis, blood sugar, clotting and blood group determination, tests for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis. An EKG, fluorography, and ultrasound of the leg veins are also necessary. According to the data of all examinations plastic surgeon makes the final decision on the appointment of surgery and selects the type of procedure, determines how much it will cost to remove body fat by the method chosen.
If surgery is approved, the process of preparing for the intervention begins - a consultation with a plastic surgeon with a detailed discussion of all the details of liposuction. During the preparation for surgery, the doctor will recommend to give up bad habits for two weeks before surgery, cancel drugs taken by the patient, or replace them with analogues to prevent side effects. Requires examination of anesthesiologist, the selection of compression stockings to be worn after surgery. Even before the intervention you need changes in diet, lifestyle, to further enhance the results of the operation.
The classic liposuction procedure is quite simple. Incisions are made on the skin in the problem areas in order to introduce small cannula needles into the fatty tissue, which are connected to a machine that creates a vacuum. The device generates negative pressure in the subcutaneous space, which triggers the process of separating the fat deposits. Through the tubes, the fat is collected in specially prepared containers. The technique is used to remove subcutaneous fat deposits in the area of the legs, back and thighs. From 2.5 to 5 liters of fat can be removed at a time.
In tumescent liposuction, the doctor inserts thin cannula tubes through which a solution of sodium chloride and lidocaine and adrenaline is injected. Up to 2.5 liters of fat can be removed during the surgery.
After the surgery, a special compression garment must be worn for 4-6 weeks. It reduces sagging of the skin and prevents tissue swelling. Recovery of the figure depends on the volume of the surgery, the more fat was removed, the longer the rehabilitation process is.
After surgery, as you emerge from anesthesia, you may experience numbness in the treated tissue area and soreness, fluid discharge from the incisions, and tingling. It is necessary to take light painkillers and follow all the doctor's instructions.
You can assess the results of the procedure immediately, but the final appearance of the operated tissue takes 2-3 months, as the healing and swelling subsides. The fat cells, partially affected during surgery, will gradually disintegrate, which enhances the effects. The incisions through which the cannulas are inserted heal without scarring.
Subcutaneous fat removed during liposuction can be used to add volume to other areas of the body. The hands, mammary glands, lips - there are a lot of intervention options. The surgeries are performed simultaneously
Это зависит от нескольких факторов, включая:
Безопасный объем для удаления методом липосакции обычно составляет 5% от массы тела
Одно из преимуществ процедуры - долгосрочный результат. Удаленные жировые клетки не регенерируются. Вместе с тем липосакция не является методом похудения на регулярной основе. Она предназначена для удаления жировых отложений в конкретных областях тела, но не может предотвратить набор веса в других областях тела. Поддержание здорового образа жизни, включая правильное питание и физическую активность, является ключевым для поддержания результатов липосакции на долгий срок.
Обычно пациенты могут вернуться к повседневным делам через несколько дней после процедуры. Полное восстановление может занять несколько недель. Врач может рекомендовать ношение компрессионного белья и принятие противовоспалительных препаратов для снятия отечности и уменьшения дискомфорта. Окончательные результаты можно ожидать через несколько месяцев, когда отек полностью сойдет и ткани восстановятся. Важно следовать рекомендациям врача по уходу после липосакции, включая ношение компрессионного белья, избегание интенсивной физической активности в первые недели и правильное питание.
Лазерный липолиз и криолиполиз - эффективные нехирургические методы уменьшения жировых отложений. Хорошо подходят для локального уменьшения объемов на животе или бедрах.
*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary).
The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:
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