Facial lipofilling is a contouring procedure to correct problem areas by using your own fat. Pre-prepared fatty tissue is injected into certain areas of the face, filling them and giving them the desired volume and shape. Using your own fat tissue allows for a procedure to rejuvenate, eliminate folds, wrinkles, correct the facial oval.
Lipofilling implies the use of only its own tissues, which are not rejected, do not resorb and remain in the injection area for a long period of time. The effect is noticeable fairly quickly, as swelling and bruising subsides. Usually doctors perform lipofilling of the middle or lower face, correct the cheeks, cheekbones, tissues around the eyes and other areas.
Facial lipofilling with your own fat can be recommended if you have the following problems. These are:
Although facial lipofilling is a minimally invasive surgery, there are a number of contraindications that must be considered beforehand. It is forbidden to perform any manipulation in the presence of:
Intervention is prohibited in case of exacerbation of herpes infection with a rash on the lips or on the skin of the face.
The use of its own fat to correct the face is considered one of the safest and most effective methods of correction of age-related or anatomical defects. Your own adipose tissue is not rejected, does not provoke allergies.
Performing lipofilling is a minimally invasive procedure, injections do not leave marks on the face, precisely defined volumes of fat help smooth out wrinkles, add volume to the tissues. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, with no need to stay in the clinic. If necessary, it is possible to repeat the introduction of fat tissue if the volume of tissue is not sufficient after the first procedure.
The cost of facial lipofilling depends on the number of correction zones. The following areas can be filled with your own fat tissue:
The doctor can perform the procedure on one area or on several at once. The price for facial lipofilling at our clinic depends on the amount of intervention.
The first stage of preparation is a consultation with a plastic surgeon. The doctor discusses with the patient's expectations in detail, assesses the overall condition by collecting medical history (what diseases, what operations were performed), find out the presence of allergies, chronic diseases, whether the person takes any medications. The surgeon conducts a detailed examination of facial tissues, identifying problem areas and the amount of intervention, assesses the places where fat can be preliminarily taken for its subsequent insertion.
After the preliminary examination, the doctor determines - how much is facial lipofilling in the amount necessary for the patient, prescribes tests and examinations before the intervention. After all the necessary examinations and consultations appointed by the date of surgery.
Lipofilling is performed under local anesthesia or a brief intravenous anesthetic. No incisions are made on the body, the doctor uses micropunctures with the intake of fatty tissue from the donor areas, mainly in the galf area or near the knees. A small amount of tissue is taken, which does not affect the donor areas. After harvesting the necessary amount of adipose tissue, it is placed in a centrifuge, cleaned of impurities and injected according to pre-established markings in the areas intended for lipofilling. The duration of the procedure varies from 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the amount of intervention.
The recovery period lasts about two weeks. Full engraftment of injected fat tissue takes two months. The final effect will be visible after 4-5 months and lasts up to 3-5 years.
During rehabilitation period, it is important to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, foods that contribute to increased swelling of tissues (greasy, salty, spicy, spicy). Banned are thermal procedures in the area of injected fillers, taking certain medications (the doctor will specify the list). It is important to visit the doctor regularly to monitor the rehabilitation process.
The patient's own fatty tissue takes root well and in addition to replenishing the volume, provides a permanent rejuvenating effect due to the fibroblasts that it contains, producing collagen and elastin.
В среднем, результаты липофилинга лица могут держаться от 1 до 5 лет. Вместе с тем процент приживаемости пересаженной жировой ткани может быть разным у разных пациентов. Часть пересаженной жировой ткани может рассосаться организмом, что и приведет к потере объема. Поэтому в некоторых случаях может потребоваться повторная процедура липофилинга для поддержания результатов.
Как и любая хирургическая процедура, липофилинг лица может иметь ряд осложнений. Обычные временные последствия - дискомфорт и боль, могут сохраняться в течение 2-3 дней после операции. Отеки, синяки и временно сниженная чувствительность проходят через 7 дней.
Среди редких осложнений встречаются:
Важно обсудить все возможные риски и осложнения с вашим хирургом перед проведением процедуры.
Да, материал для липофилинга проходит очищение и центрифугирование для отделения жировых клеток. Для введения подбираются только жизнеспособный жировой материал.
Процесс забора материала практически безболезненный, может ощущаться только потягивание в месте инъекции и скрип канюли в коже. После процедуры может ощущаться боль, пульсация, через неделю не исключено появление гематом. В течение 2 недель после операции необходимо носить специальные компрессионные пластыри, которые не позволяют жиру мигрировать.
*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in the PRICE. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary). The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:
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