Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

(tummy tuck)

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In our clinic abdominal plasty is performed in case of excess of soft tissues in the area of anterior abdominal wall. Subcutaneous fat and stretched skin form unaesthetic folds, sagging of tissues, due to which there are difficulties with selection of comfortable and fashionable clothes, there is a psychological discomfort.

During abdominoplasty, the surgeon eliminates excess stretched skin, subcutaneous fat, corrects diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles (divergence) in the area of white line of abdomen. By performing abdominoplasty you can eliminate the cosmetic defects, which were formed after childbirth or during the sharp gain, and then lose weight, and from which it is impossible to get rid of any other methods. After surgery waist circumference decreases significantly, the abdomen becomes tighter, flatter.

We recommend undergoing abdominoplasty when the abdominal area is bulging forward, the skin looks flabby, outwardly unattractive and the muscles are losing tone, but correcting diet and exercise cannot solve the problem and lift the bulging belly.


Surgeons of our clinic individually approach the choice of abdominoplasty method. The volume of tissues removed during surgery depends on the nature of changes and the severity of the existing defects. We use both minimally invasive, endoscopic technologies and classic plastic surgery.

Classical abdominal abdominal plastic surgery is performed with open access, its cost is determined by the volume of intervention. More often than not, it is the choice that is performed. With this technique, the doctor makes a horizontal incision in the suprapubic region of the abdomen, as well as an incision around the navel. After that, the tissues are peeled off up to the beginning of the rib cage.

Fat tissue is preliminarily removed through liposuction, during plasty the doctor sews up the muscle diastasis (if any), removes excess skin, stretches and connects the skin flaps to form a flat stomach. If the skin on the sides is severely deformed and the rectus abdominis muscles are stretched, the doctor may perform the operation with a vertical incision, pulling the skin from the side surfaces to the center and downward.

Miniabdominoplasty is performed through a small incision in the suprapubic area, has fewer difficulties in the recovery period, but the volume of intervention is less significant. In addition, it is not performed when the navel is displaced or the skin is too stretched.

Endoscopic abdominoplasty is performed using special equipment. The doctor makes incisions of up to 1 cm, penetrates only under the skin and fatty tissue area, which makes the operation minimally traumatic. Through the punctures, an endoscope and manipulators are inserted, which perform all the operations. The aim of endoscopic abdominoplasty is to eliminate the diastasis of the rectus muscle and create a flat stomach. There are practically no scars and scars after the operation.


Before performing abdominoplasty, our doctors, when selecting surgery techniques, are guided by the following indications.

A common indication for any type of abdominoplasty is the presence of abdominal hernia.

For a classic tummy tuck there are also the following indications:

  • Significant stretching of the skin, in which for a tummy tuck it is necessary to dissect out excess tissue;
  • skin "apron" sagging in a fold of more than 10 cm;
  • displacement of the navel area;
  • presence of diastasis of any degree;
  • a hernia in the area of the white line was detected;
  • excessive amount of subcutaneous fat.
  • The use of mini-abdominoplasty is indicated in situations:
  •  when there is a general stretching of the abdominal skin;
  • skin "apron" does not exceed 10 cm;
  • The fat layer has a small volume;
  • there is a muscular diastasis;
  • lateral abdominal hernias are identified.

The cost of endoscopic plastic surgery on the abdomen is higher than traditional approaches, but the indications for the intervention are quite limited. These include:

  • insignificant external defects;
  • diastasis in the area of the white line;
  • good condition of the skin, its sufficient elasticity.


Abdominoplasty helps to remove a bulging, voluminous abdomen, but it is not indicated for all categories of patients. Before scheduling surgery, it is important to rule out any contraindications to the procedure. These include:

  • any forms of decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • severe obesity (3rd-4th degree);
  • pregnancy planning, the period of childbirth and lactation;
  • presence of severe somatic diseases, especially in the stage of subcompensation or exacerbation;
  • acute illness, fever.

In addition, after the examination, the surgeon may determine a number of other temporary contraindications that may be an obstacle to surgery.


During the preliminary consultation at our clinic the plastic surgeon determines the scope of the intervention and specifies the price of abdominoplasty. When the date of surgery is appointed, the plastic surgeon gives specific recommendations on how to prepare for the intervention. First of all, you must avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, as it negatively affects the tissue healing process. It is also necessary to inform the doctor about all medicines you are taking. The doctor may cancel some of them, for example, a number of blood thinners.

In addition, before surgery, you should try to lose as much weight as possible for the effect to be more durable and pronounced.

It is important to undergo a number of tests and instrumental tests to rule out health problems. These include blood and urine tests, determination of blood group and rhesus belonging, taking an ECG and performing a fluorography. In addition, consultations with a general practitioner and an anesthesiologist are required.


Our doctors perform the operation under general anesthesia and it lasts from two to six hours. The first stage is liposuction (removal of subcutaneous fat) in the abdomen, back and flanks. This increases the elasticity of the skin, and the volume of the waist is reduced. Then an incision is made 6-8 cm above the pubic bone, after peeling the skin the doctor sews up the rectus abdominis muscles, eliminating diastasis, reducing the waist volume. Excess skin is cut off in the required volume. Using a classic approach, the skin is removed up to the navel area, and if a hernia is detected, it is excised. At the end of the operation drains are placed, tissues are sutured layer by layer, the patient is sent to the ward.


Immediately after surgery the rehabilitation period begins. In the first two days the patient is monitored by a doctor in the hospital, then with laparoscopic surgery you can go home, with classic surgery you can go home on the third day. The patient arrives home from home to have the stitches removed by about 7-8 days.

After discharge, the doctor recommends following certain rules - you have to wear compression underwear for up to 2 months after surgery. During the first 5 days it is necessary to use a compression knitwear for veins in the legs. During the recovery period after surgery you can not lift weights, you should refrain from heavy physical work. It is also forbidden to take hot showers, go to the bathhouse and sauna, you need to protect your abdomen and sutures from sun exposure, and then cover the scars with bandages.

In the first two weeks, you need to switch to light, well-digested food to eliminate bloating and constipation.

Doctor's opinion

Today you can find many diets and exercises on the Internet promising to get rid of a bulging belly. In fact, in most cases, the ideal result can be achieved only with the help of plastic surgery. It is worth understanding that the duration of the effect of the operation depends on the doctor's recommendations and lifestyle. With a sudden change in body weight the skin on your stomach can stretch again.

Spitsyn Vladislav Igorevich

Plastic surgeon

Experience 12 years

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Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

Doctors At The Dega Clinic

Khristenko Arthur Alexandrovich

Khristenko Arthur Alexandrovich

Leading plastic surgeon, cosmetologist 

Experience 17 years 

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Alexei Alexandrovich Gavrilchenko

Alexei Alexandrovich Gavrilchenko

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 11 years 

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Chetverikova Marina Anatolievna

Chetverikova Marina Anatolievna

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 18 years 

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Spitsyn Vladislav Igorevich

Spitsyn Vladislav Igorevich

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 12 years 

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Chumak Roman Anatolievich

Chumak Roman Anatolievich

Plastic surgeon, cosmetic surgeon  

Candidate of Medical Sciences 

Experience 25 years 

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Krasnoselskikh Maxim Andreyevich

Krasnoselskikh Maxim Andreyevich

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 22 years 

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Yunusova Yulia Rustemovna

Yunusova Yulia Rustemovna

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 11 years 

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Sakanova Olga Viktorovna

Sakanova Olga Viktorovna

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 6 years 

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Manasheva Elizaveta Borisovna

Manasheva Elizaveta Borisovna

Plastic surgeon, cosmetic surgeon  

Candidate of Medical Sciences 

Experience 7 years 

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Martynenko Nastasya Anatolievna

Martynenko Nastasya Anatolievna

Plastic surgeon 

Experience 6 years 

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All Specialists Of The Clinic

How much does an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) cost?

Классическая абдоминопластика from 356000 ₽
Миниабдоминопластика from 195000 ₽
Эндоскопическая абдоминопластика from 484000 ₽

*The site is a reference and information material for getting acquainted with the approximate price level by analogy with any advertising medium. The exact cost can always be found in price. The price includes: surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesiologist supervision, implants (if necessary).

The exact cost of the service depends on the scope of the intervention and is established only after a personal examination by a specialist. To find out the cost of the service for you, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking on the button below:

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